The Mission
In this article we will be using JQuery to accomplish the following:
- Prevent Divi Form Submission
- Maintain Validation
- Grab Field Values
- Create a Pop-Over to HubSpot Meeting Page
- Autofill Meeting Fields and AutoSubmit
Step 01: Make sure you have a child themes directory
See this article on creating a child theme if you don’t already have one.
Step 02: Create a directory call js
Step 03: Create a file called formSubmit.js and add the following code
jQuery(function($){ $(" **InsertFormModuleID** .et_pb_contact_submit").click(function() { //Stop Normal Function of Submit event.preventDefault(); //Set Variables for Params var firstName = $('#et_pb_contact_firstname_0').val(); var lastName = $('#et_pb_contact_lastname_0').val(); var email = encodeURIComponent($('#et_pb_contact_email_0').val()); // Create redirect URL var urlParam = "**InsertMeetingLinkURL**?firstName="+firstName+"&lastName="+lastName+"&email="+email; //Resume Divi Submission $(".et_pb_contact_form").submit(); //Check if validation and submission successful $(document).on('submit','**InsertFormModuleID** .et_pb_contact_form',function(){ //Open New Tab and Go To Meeting Link; //Refresh Form Page to Reset Form location.reload(); }); }); });
Step 04: Enqueue the scripts
Locate the functions.php and add the code below. Remember to enter the page id in the if statement.
function formSubmit_scripts() { if( is_page(***yourpageid***)) { wp_enqueue_script( 'formSubmit', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/formSubmit.js', array( 'jquery' ), null, true ); } } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'formSubmit_scripts', 100);
And that’s it!